الجمعيه الوطنيه القبطيه الامريكيه
National American coptic Assembly- USA
Washington DC
Mr. Morris Sadek-ESQ President
انا مصرى افريقى I am an Egyptian
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زعماء اقباط المنفى ينتفضون والاعلام الامريكى يساند المستشار موريس صادق
موريس صادق: تجريدي من الجنسية دليل قاطع على إضطهاد الأقباط
موريس صادق فى حوار ساخن لـ"اليوم السابع": "لا أحد يستطيع إسقاط جنسيتى المصرية أو شطبى من عضوية نقابة المحامين.. وسأظل أطالب بالحماية الدولية وحكم ذاتى للأقباط
وسقطت الحكومة وسقط القضاء
الاستاذ موريس صادق بين حرية التعبير والخيانه العظمى
الدعوى السلفية بإسقاط الجنسية عن الملوخية
Egypt post 1/25/2011 islamic shrai3a, freedom of speach and the case of Morris Sadek :: Reader comme الكاتب الامريكى الشهير دانيال بيبز يساند موريس صادق
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PressDemocrat.com | View topic - Free speech” has an entirely different meaning in Egypt.
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شاهد فيديو امريكى يساند المستشار موريس صادق
Egypt: Muslims Check Christian Women For "Virginity Test" !!
محجبه مستوطنه غازبه لمصر تطلب سحب جنسية الاقباط
جريدة الوفد الاثنين 30 مايو 3011
كان علم مصر ايام الملكيه به ثلاثة نجوم تمثل الاقباط واليهود والمسلمون وفى الاربعينيات وضع المستوطنون المسلمون فى مصر خطه لابادة اليهود ومن ثم الاقباط وبدااوا بتفجير القنابل فى حارة اليهود وقتل اليهود المصريون وهم مصريون يدينون باليهوديه ثم حرقوا متاجرهم وممتلكاتهم فيما عرف بحريق القاهره 1952 ثم قام الارهابى المستوطن المسلم جمال عبد الناصر بمصادرة ممتلكات اليهود المصريون واصدر قانون بسحب الجنسيه المصريه منهم فهرب 2 مليون يهودى مصرى من بلدهم مصر الى المنفى وبعضهم الى دولة اسرائيل الحبيبه وتغير علم مصر الى نجمتان شملت الاقباط والمسلمون وبدا الحكام المستوطنون المسلمون فى تنفيذ خطة التخلص لابادة الاقباط وعددهم 25 مليون قبطى واستعملوا اسلوب النازيه وتطبيق الهولكست على الاقباط فاستبعدوهم من المناصب واستولوا على ثرواتهم واضطهدوهم فهرب الملايين الى المنفى الاختيارى فى اوربا وامريكا وزاد اضطهاد الاقباط فسالت دماؤهم فى الشوارع وطارت اشلاء جثثهم على اسطح البنايات فى مجزرة القديسين بالاسكندريه واستمر المجرمون يحرقون الكنائس ويهدمونها ويخطفون البنات ويحولونهن للعقيده الفاشيه الاسلاميه وكانت كلمات المستشار موريس صادق والابطال فى المنفى مرعبه للحكام المحتلون لمصر فاتجهوا لاكمال سيناريو اليهود المصريون وسحبوا الجنسيه منه واليوم عرضحالجيه بجريدة الوفد تطلب سحب الجنسيه من اسيادها الاقباط واقول لها كما جاء بالقران انك نجسه وملعونه وشيطان اصمتى وفى هذا السياق من يقايض على دماء الاقباط فهو ليس مصرى ومن يختلف مع اسلوب المستشار موريس صادق فى الدفاع عن الاقباط فليخفض راسه الى الابد
الاعلام الامريكى يحاور المستشار
موريس صادق
10 million Christians asked for international protection
1- Do you think the army is serious about protecting religious freedoms?
No, this is not true. And if Mubarak’s regime was bad, then the new regime is worse.
This is because of the following:
a- The army attacked the monasteries in the desert of the red sea and the Natroun Valley and also destroyed the walls that protect the monasteries without any court permission. They fired life bullets upon the monks in Anba Bishoy monastery and killed a servant and injured a monk.
b- In the church of Sol, the army was watching the Muslim people destroying the church and tampering with the holies inside of the church. c- They also shared in killing 13 Christians in “Zaraeab Almokatam” and looted the people’s houses. The Muslims also burnt 2 churches in Imbaba, Cairo and killed 10 people and looted their belongings in the presence of the army, and the army’s response was that they arrested the ones who were trying to protect their family members, friends and belongings.
d- In Ein Shams, the Muslims prevented the Christians from praying in St. Mary’s Church and they sat on the ground in front of the church to prevent completely any Christian from entering the church and saying things against them. The army again arrested 3 Christians who were trying to enter the church to pray and were judged to be imprisoned for 5 years.
e- In the province of Kena, the Muslims prevented the Christian General Emad Mikhail from being the Governor because the Quran and the god of Islam say “don’t take Christians and Jews leaders for you” [Soorat al Maeda]. They also said that the Christian is infidel because the Quran says that Christians say that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, so the army agreed with them and listened to them, even Mr. Esam Sharaf the prime minister traveled to Kena to support the army’s decision.
2- As a lawyer, do you think laws protecting religious freedom are strong enough? Are they being enforced strongly enough?
This constitution is racial! For the country doesn’t have a religion, but the people living in the country believe in a religion.
Therefore laws are not enforced, and the proof is that there are 25 million Christians in Egypt whose religious rights are denied.
Another proof is that the second article of this racial constitution says that the official language of the country is the Arabic language, which denies the Original Coptic language of the Christians.
The rest of this article says the Sharia is the main source of legislation, so the Copts rejects the Muslim sharia because they believe in the bible as a source of marriage, divorse and forgiveness of sins, but the Sharia calls for cutting hands, legs, necks, scourging. On the other hand not punishing a Muslim if he killed a Christian because the Quran says, “don’t take the blood of a Muslim for an infidel.” Also the court doesn’t take a witness of a Christian for he is infidel.
Christianity respects women, while Islam treats them as cursed, unclean and devil and calls them dog and donkey.
3- I studied abroad in Cairo, and I was speaking to some of my friend there about the attack in Imbaba. They said they thought the violence was instigated from the older generation, and that they thought their generation was more comfortable having friends who were from different religions. From your own observations, do you think this is true?
No, this is not true.
3000 Muslims gathered in front of the church alleging that there are weapons inside of the church and attacked the church and burnt it. (See the link)
It is true that the old generation used to have friends from different religions, because England used to protect the Copts and obliged the Muslims to respect them from 1882 to 1952 so no Christian was killed, or church was burnt, or a girl kidnapped.
The vice president, the foreign affair ministry, the president of the assembly (parliament), the president of the authenticates, most of the policemen and the high positions/ ranks of the country used to occupied by the Christians and there used to be religious freedom for Christians and Muslims.
Upon the evacuation of the English army from Egypt, Muslims began to kill the Egyptian Jews and looted their possessions and withdrew their citizenship so they expulsed 2 million Jews out of Egypt and Jamal Abdel Nasser the Muslim took over all of the rich Coptic Christians’ wealth so 1 million Coptic fled out of the country. And from there, the persecution of the Coptic people began until we reached this terrile condition and it is a repetition of what was done with the Egyptian Jews.
4- Do you think this upsurge in violence is temporary?
Of course not! The Christians lost the English kingdom and the international community protection. Therefore the Muslims want to get rid of the Christians the same way they did with the Jews, because the Quran said, “Islam is the only religion” and said also, “Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission."
5- Can the international Coptic community do anything to effect the situation?
We can ask for the international protection. The Channel of Truth “AlHakeeka” is trying to demand.
Their web site is: http://truthsat.tv/
There are 10 million Christians who demand for international protection.
6- The Coptic Church spoke out and asked for more neutral language. What do you think about this development?
The church is a spiritual guide for praying and it demanded justice and there are 10 million Christians asked for international protection.
المهندس نبيل بساده الامين العام للدوله القبطيه والمنسق الاعلامى للجمعيه الوطنيه القبطيه الامريكيه
المهندس ايليا باسيلى عضو الهيئه التأسيسيه لدولة الحكم الذاتى القبطيه