الجمعيه الوطنيه القبطيه الامريكيه
national american coptic assemby
Mr. Morris Sadek-ESQ President
visit&watch our website
Mr morris sadek Esq president of the National American Coptic Assembly will be @
T.V. talk show “Al Tarik” with the progarm “Kont Mo3takal”
at 8:00 PM Eastern time us ,canda tonight Thursday March 04,2010.
You can also watch the programs @:
626203 8004
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تليفزيون الطريق
Thank you
شاهد المستشار موريس صادق على قناة الطريق بالولايات المتحده وعلى النت يحاوره المهندس الاعلامى الكبير نبيل بساده فى برنامج كنت معتقلا يوم الخميس 4 مارس 2010 الساعه الثامنه بتوقيت الساحل الشرقى بامريكا وكندا والخامسه مساء بتوقيت كالفورنيا والساعه الثالثه صباح الجمعه 5 مارس بتوقيت القاهره والشرق الاوسط ويمكنكم المشاركه والمداخله بالاتصال عن طريق تليفون القناه رقم
626203 8004
mr morris sadek regars ok i,m dr/hossam hanna from egypt sohag baliana in southof egypt i,m physician i work in london but in a short vaccance in london ok please visit www.facebook.com/username:hossam hanna/ok and www.huside.com username:john77777 and www.blogger.com to know the disaster of mr/michael zareef iskarous he lives in egypt sohag baliana in front of bank of cairo /ok he is disabled person he walks with the aid of a metal stalk he is a servant in st mary church in baliana the egyptian security authurities try violencly since 2005 to oblige him to be muslim he refused they killed his mother in 21 th june 2010 ok please contact me on the e.mail:hanna.hossam@yahoo.com or phone 0020934800694 or cellular phone 0020111295441 thank you regards /dr hossam hanna
ReplyDeleteto mr/morris sadek .regards .............i pray to god to save you .please make more efforts to prevent ekhwan musleemeen from stealing the revolution of our youth / they are the majority now /they will destroy our monuments /churches /possessions and people as quran ordered them ok god with you and with all egypt bye