الجمعيه الوطنيه القبطيه الامريكيه
national american coptic assembly
Mr. Morris Sadek-ESQ President
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لم تكن تدرى ادارة الجامعه الامريكيه بالولايات المتحده الامريكه ان يكون فرعها بالقاهره مناره للوهابيه الاسلاميه والتخلف الاسلامى البدوى فهاهم طلاب الجامعه الامريكيه يربون لحيهم اسوة بالاسلاميين الارهابيين وبعضهم يصطنع الزبيبه الاسلاميه وغالبية الطلاب يبدو عليهم الوجه العابس الاسلامى وارتديت الطالبات الحجاب والنقاب وامتلات ارجاء الجامعه الامريكيه بايات القران الداعيه للجهاد وتحولت من مؤسسه تعليميه متحضره الى مؤسسه اسلاميه دينيه رجعيه واعتقد القائمون عليها هو اعطاء الطلاب مناهج التعليم الامريكيه بدون ملء عقول هؤلاء الطلاب بقيم الحضاره الامريكيه واصبح الطلاب يعيشون فى جلباب شيوخ التخلف والارهاب الاسلامى وبعقولهم المتخلفه وفىذات الوقت يتلقون دروس الحضاره الامريكيه بمعنى انفصال العلم عن الاخلاق واذا كانت الجامعه الامريكيه قدمت نماذج مشرفه فى الماضى لانه لم يكن بين طلابها محجبات او منقبات وليس بين طلابها ذوى لحى او ذبيبه اسلاميه وقد قامت الجمعيه الوطنيه القبطيه الامريكيه بدراسة أسباب انحدار مستوى التعليم بالجامعه الامريكيه وانتهت نتيجة البحث الى ان تسليم ادارة الجامعه وصفوفها التعليميه الى مسئولين مصريين اسلاميين هو الذى ادى الى انهيار هذا الصرح التعليمى الكبير ولذلك فأننا ندعو الصحافه الامريكيه ومراكز البحوث فى الولايات المتحده الامريكيه الى انقاذ الجامعه الامريكيه بالقاهره من الانهيار بعد ان وصلت درجة الانهيار الى كراهية المسيحيين الاقباط العاملين فى الجامعه الامريكيه وفصلهم بدون اى مخالفه ارتكبوها سوى ان ادارة الجامعه تحولت الى منظمه عنصريه اسلاميه لم يبقى امامها سوى ان تعلن تغير اسم الجامعه الى الحامعه الوهابيه الاسلاميه الامريكيه بالقاهره
Discrimination against coptic Christian employees in the American university in Egypt.
Subject: Discrimination against coptic Christian employees in the American university in Egypt.
As an Egyptian born and raised and a naturalized US citizen I am shocked but not surprised that some Muslim staff and managers at the AUC Cairo is discriminating against Christian staff at the AUC in an effort to Islamize the university which is a standard shameful Islamic behavior that I had experienced myself.
However when it amount to dismissing four Christian employees and what is known now that some whole departments in the AUC has became Christian free department this must not go unnoticed.
The problem with American born individuals who manage the American entities overseas is that they THINK that all nations behave like them and will hire and fire based on efficiency only , overlooking the fact that some Muslims believe it is their duty to rid the world and the work place from the misguided or the one that Allah hate.
It is the AUC image that is on stake as an American and tax payer I would expect the AUC top management to examine the issue considering that incident and others that involve discriminating against Christian employees in the AUC.
The head of security in the AUC is a graduate from police academy in Cairo which only admit less that 1% Christian students while the population of Christian in Egypt is 10 to 15% , do u expect such person to believe in giving equal opportunity to Christian security staff.
Watch the Christian staff whom were fired speaking in that link
student at that one AUC 2009-11-09 22:43:57
I Used To Be a Student at the AUC. AUC, the American University in Cairo has been Iinfected by the virus of Islamis, Arabism and Discrimination. How come this can happen under the American name of freedom and liberty? I wonder that the Islamist epidemic and Jihadist virus will infeltirate AUC as it has infelirated the American Embassy in Cairo. Why the American Embassy in Cairo have been supplying us with the terrorist Islamists sheikhs, Jihadists and Mounagabbat women; Veiled sex slaves of women To the USA. Enough USA to commit self-suicide destroying the Great Western Civilization of Human Dignity
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